Lesson 07/04/2021
1. SB p. 86 ex. 1 - put the words from Bill's shopping list into the categories and write both the categories with the translation and the products with the translation (слова из списка покупок записать в категории с переводом в словари).
paultry[poltri] птица
dairy produts молочные продукты
nut and seeds орехи и семечки
oils масла
cereal хлопья
grains and pasta злаки, зерновые и макаронные изделия
snacks снэки
beverages напитки
herbs and spices травы и приправы
fizzy drinks газировка
2. SB p.86 ex. 2 -write into your vocabulary with the translation
a box of cereal
a bottle of water
a jar of honey
a packet of crisps
a tin of sardins
a can of cola
a carton of milk
a cup of tea
3. Read the text SB p.p. 86-87,ex.3 write the translation of the words into your vocabularies
I'm starving-
It depends -
school canteen -
grilled fish -
chips -
crisps - to order a takeaway -
family-sized pizza-
dessert -
What a nut! -
treat yourself -
junk food -
go over the top -
otherwise -
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