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Lesson 08/02/2021

 Lesson 08/02/2021

1) Follow the link and do the task:

2) Check yourself.

SB p.87 ex. 5

1. dry-cleaning
2. travel agent's
3. travellers' cheques
4. sickness pills
5. insect repellent
6. sun screen
7. hair-dryer
8. guide book
9. credit card
10. sunglasses
SB p.87 ex.6
1. I prefer going to school on foot.
2. My parents always go to their work by car, but today they have to use public transport, because the car is broken.
3. I will arrive in Samara at 6 pm.
4. I really like to be on holiday.
5. I counted that there were 50 passengers on board.
 SB p.87 ex.7

1. getting by - справляться
2. get off - покинуть, слезть с
3. get on - ладить
4. get around - передвигаться
5. get in - сесть в, входить
SB p.87 ex. 8 

1. transport (=транспорт, travel - путешествие)
2. crossing (=переправа, transfer - передвижение)
3. fetch (=сходить за, bring - принести)
4. miss (=пропускать, lose - терять)


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